Frequently Asked Questions
Order & Shipping
My order never got to me, what do I do?

Oh no! Hopefully this doesnโ€™t happen but if it does, although our shipping carriers work independently to deliver your package, weโ€™ll figure this out together!ย ย 

If it's been marked delivered and it's only been one day-sit tight! Sometimes the carriers scan it before it gets to you. Keep an eye out for the next few hours!

If the tracking hasnโ€™t been updated in an unusually long time or if it was never updated since it was made, chances are it was lost in transit. Please file a claim with the carrier. If there is no conclusion after two weeks, please let us know and we will look into replacing or crediting you for your order.

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How do I track my order?

When your order ships you will receive a separate email providing you with a tracking number to track your order. Sometimes this email gets sorted into spam or promotions folders so be sure to take a look in there if it feels like you have been waiting a little too long.

You can also log into your account and click on the order in question to see the status.

*Please note that sometimes the tracking can take a day or two to be updated by the carrier. If it looks like its not moving, chances are its on its way!ย 

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How long will it take to receive my order?

Delivery times are based after the order leaves our facility. We typically ship in the same or next business days (Mon-Fri).
Please know that we are doing the best we can to get orders out promptly.ย 

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Do you ship internationally?

We sure do! We can ship products to most countries around the world.

Please be aware that different countries have unique customs rules and regulations. Unfortunately, if your package gets held at customs you will be responsible for communication and any additional costs required to release your item(s).

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Return & Exchanges
Can I exchange an item?

If your item doesn't fit or you have ordered the wrong color or style, you will be able to exchange it within 30 days from the date of purchase.ย 

To be eligible, items must be unworn, undamaged and unmarked, and in their original packaging.ย ย 

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What is your return policy?

We want you to be thrilled with your purchase and come back for more. If you're unhappy for any reason, please contact us at to initiate a return or exchange within 14 days of delivery.ย ย 

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The product I want is out-of-stock, when will it be available?

We strive to maintain our stock levels in line with demand. However, from time to time we may become out of stock of a certain product. If one of our products is out of stock, please feel free to send us a message and we'll make sure to let you know when you will be able to order it again. :)

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Other FAQs
Do we a physical store?

Unfortunately, no. There is no physical location for us right now, though we may consider one in the near future. Please enjoy your shopping experience on our website in the meantime!

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